Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Europe land cover change Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map
Europe land cover status Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map
Country Area (㎢) Radar images Period Months
Albania 28,655 1186 2021-2024 03-07
Andorra 468 352 2023-2024 03-07
Austria 83,945 1992 2021-2024 03-07
Belarus 207,722 2476 2021-2024 03-07
Belgium 30,651 1220 2021-2024 03-07
Bosnia Herz. 51,527 1482 2021-2024 03-07
Bulgaria 111,023 2232 2021-2024 03-07
Cyprus 9251 408 2022-2024 03-07
Croatia 55,889 2460 2021-2024 03-07
Czech Rep. 78,755 2206 2021-2024 03-07
Denmark 42,710 16580 2016-2024 03-10
Estonia 45,932 11670 2016-2024 03-10
Finland 335,280 6696 2021-2024 04-07
France 548,056 7396 2021-2024 03-07
Germany 357,218 35622 2016-2024 03-10
Greece 131,960 4466 2021-2024 03-07
Hungary 92,995 2250 2021-2024 03-07
Ireland 69,638 2082 2021-2024 03-07
Italy 301,149 6672 2021-2024 03-07
Kosovo 10,887 804 2021-2024 03-07
Latvia 64,643 15062 2016-2024 03-10
Liechtenstein 160 252 2023-2024 03-07
Lithuania 65,010 13842 2016-2024 01-11
Luxembourg 2,581 594 2021-2024 03-07
Malta 316 162 2022-2024 03-07
Moldova 33,688 1528 2021-2024 03-07
Montenegro 13,760 1166 2021-2024 03-07
Netherlands 35,546 1742 2021-2024 03-07
N. Macedonia 25,462 1160 2021-2024 03-07
Norway 320,884 8728 2021-2024 04-07
Poland 311,669 30840 2016-2024 03-10
Portugal 88,567 1810 2021-2024 03-07
Romania 237,377 3252 2021-2024 03-07
Serbia 77,474 2048 2021-2024 03-07
Slovakia 48,927 1430 2021-2024 03-07
Slovenia 20,421 996 2021-2024 03-07
Spain 493,501 5850 2021-2024 03-07
Sweden 446,028 8020 2021-2024 04-07
Switzerland 40,764 1522 2021-2024 03-07
Turkey 780,005 7820 2021-2024 03-07
UK 244,349 6178 2021-2024 03-07
Ukraine 597,505 7018 2021-2024 03-07

A unique Sentinels-based Agriculture Information Service code-named SAGRIS is a Copernicus satellite data pre-processing, statistical sampling and digital mapping toolbox, powering a parallel processing cluser at GEOMATRIX UAB in Vilnius (Lithuania). Since it's launch back in, it's primary purpose was pre-processing of Sentinel-1 polarimetry SAR and Sentinel-2 multi-spectral data collected over the Baltic Sea region. Since 2020, ESA projects consolidated our CAP control and Smart Farming services, also boosting SAGRIS production capacity and extending its regional coverage. Today we offer analysis-ready Sentinel-1 time-series, radar maps and statistical products reaching back to 2021 for more than 6 520 000 km2 in the EU and neighboring countries, while the Baltic Sea region is covered with analysis-ready Sentinel-1 polarimetry SAR data since 2016. The current page provides details of the current SAGRIS production status and direct links to SAGRIS land cover & farming intensity, as well as landscape change & crop maps derived from time series of Sentinel-1 analysis-ready polarimetry SAR data. Please contact us to provide your feedback or request full resolution SAGRIS commercial products.

Number of files processed by SAGRIS:

Years 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total
2015 11 2746 3106 3440 3536 3484 812 17124
2016 538 3058 3578 3600 2546 4022 2642 980 1720 1208 23892
2017 84 1320 6494 7640 8772 8856 8956 1944 1768 1828 1776 49438
2018 6726 8262 8678 8500 8802 2108 1838 1884 46798
2019 3368 2508 1406 4352 4314 1896 642 1880 20366
2020 6704 8464 9172 9094 9580 1902 1264 1860 48040
2021 196 270 4192 902 5502 5400 5710 1800 908 1912 898 27690
2022 168 858 3998 5647 4898 4824 4918 1142 1060 532 474 60 27688
2023 262 210 3658 4986 5124 4904 5038 944 176 116 64 74 25556
2024 3618 4680 4814 4498 4664 178 292 22744
Total 710 3196 44562 48882 55406 56510 59488 15368 8928 11732 4420 134 309336